An unwritten letter -Her next move
She ponders aimlessly
Thinking in timeless motions
Of her creative streak
Her next move
From this moment
To the next phase
Ridding of a sin
Beholding her
An evil act against her
Previously be-filled with hope
Her desire to leave — yet
Not before
Having her last say
It goes like this
‘You did your best
To destroy my whole being
You took me, shred by shred
Peeling back my soul
A layer at a time
Until there was nothing left
You thought you had won
That I would die inside
You were wrong
I’m here, alive and surviving’
Those were her last words
Written with your blood
As she makes her next move
I wrote this poem while trying to write a battle poem on Twitter. I struggled with the prompt for the battle as I needed to get this out there. Written as a kind of letter or excerpt from an unwritten letter.