Crossing rainbows
A rainbow once spoke to me
Inviting me to cross
It echoed in subtle whispers
Come dear, I see that you are lost
I imagined it as calm
As beautiful as it was
I couldn’t bring myself to cross
I don’t think I was ready
I still had a lot of work to do
A rainbow who knew my fears
Who said, I would never judge you
I admit that I was lost
The fear instilled within me
That I almost forgot
My place in the world
Since the rainbow spoke my name
I haven’t heard that subtle whisper
I found my place and my head is in the game
I wrote this poem because suicide survival is one thing that I never thought would be me. Times of trying to end my life was terrifying and with no support — was also scary!!
I chose life over and over!!!
© D.Reay2022