Day dreamer
She sits silenced
By the pelting
Of a locked door
Tremor and terror
Abruptly take her
Into her own world
As she zoned out
Dreaming of niceties
Of love she craved
That of a family
To adore and
Who would adore her
Not holidays or gifts
Or of material things
But of a feeling
Like a comfort blanket
A safeness she could
Call her own
Warm beds
Food to eat
And the feelings
Of togetherness
And to live
Without fear
While making memories
She remembers nightmares
Photo Credit:M Unsplash
Zoned out
Even now, year’s later I still drift into my own little world.
Wishing for different but while I wish things were different or wishing I had a loving family. I also think of my children, how lucky I am to love and be loved, unconditionally!!