Ghosts do exist — Do they?
Seeing a shape
A figure with a
Face built with smoke
I saw you last night
A figure of
An old bloke
Standing or perched
Way up high
Above the garden fence
Unmoved, still, silent
Evoking Feelings of fear
As she rubs her eyes
Teasing reality
No such things as ghosts
So she thought
But what if ghosts exist?
Did he come back to haunt her?
After years of nothing
Then —
He appears in a trance
To make her pay
But for what?
She only told the truth
Then —
She woke up and
You were gone
© D.Reay2023
I wrote this poem as I remember a few years ago, I sat on the back porch smoking a cigarette and saw something odd. I kept looking, taking photos and it became apparent that there was a figure of an old man. He was sitting or standing on the garden fence, appearing to be still, looking at me and not a single movement.
This began to unnerve me as I don’t believe in ghosts but as I continued to study this figure, it became apparent that it looked exactly like my father. One of my abusers. Fear began to set it.
The following day, I worked in the garden and checked outside when it got dark, this figure was gone.
It turned out to be something that was sitting on the edge of my child trampoline that formed a shape, a figure — but not a ghost!