Unkept Promises
You beat her fragile soul
Yet you told her no more
You acted like nothing was wrong
As she cowered on the floor
A promise meant nothing
A field of beauty
Of wildflowers and dreams
Her dreams shattered
By your words of
Unkept promises
A thousand times embedded
Within her brain
She hears those word
Of a thousand
Unkept promises
Spoken word poetry
I have to put this here as one of my best pieces ~ Why? Because a beautiful friend and amazing writer/poet, read “Unkept Promises”…Not only did she read this poem but she videoed her spoken word poetry of my piece!!!
Promises kept or “Unkept”
The year’s of sexual and violent trauma, I mean years ~aged 9 until aged 21! Years of Promises and unkept promises.
I promise you’ll wish you were never born.
Yes, these words were a regular during my time growing up.
I won’t do it again, it’ll never happen again.
This too, was an everyday occurrence (These were the words of Unkept promises)