Debra Reay
2 min readNov 12, 2021

Photo Credit: Me


Who am I? You ask

Just a girl

Yet damaged

Born then abused

Seen as an object


Though she carries

Strengths upon her shoulders

Her cries remain hidden

Behind a curtain of disguise

Bruising painted over


Fearlessly, she rises

From the shadows

Of her hidden self

I am a mother and a friend! A survivor of childhood sexual abuse, physical and mental abuse!

Often abusers are known to their victims and I the case of my abuser, these were all family members!

I am no longer a victim, but a survivor.

My story can be hard to read, and some find it hard to understand!

Who am I?You ask

Is about a ‘just a girl' A girl who overcame her obstacles, and finding her place in the world!

She loves without conditions or limitations and will do anything for anybody! Her calm and quiet nature is what makes her, her!!

What makes her smile?

Her children. Her life and her heart belongs to her children.

She doesn’t have many friends but a small circle of friends~to call upon, when needed and it works!

A love of words and a new found love of writing poetry, to make sense of her past trauma.

Life & Living

A lover of life and trying to understand the beauty surrounding us. To make sense of everything and to be happy!!!

Be kind, always!!

Debra Reay
Debra Reay

Written by Debra Reay

Writer, Poet and survivor of childhood abuse! Author of poem's~A Child Unloved, Soul Destroyed and more recently, The little girl in yellow bows.

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