These words
I paint my life as perfect
As I hide my flaws
A blame I hold close to me
While I cry behind closed doors
A secret taken to his grave
The day it got revealed
A truth I told, a lie he beholds
No longer can it stay concealed
Yet through decades of my life
I live in utter shame
Those cutting words in my ear
‘You're the only one to blame’
Now I need to take control
And live my life again
You tried and failed one more time
As you caused me so much pain
Now I’m seeking all the help
To put right all your wrongs
I need to put some ghosts to rest
And make life a beautiful song
I will leave you with these words
As you rot beneath the earth
I’m living a life that you almost took
And yes, now I know my worth
I sat in bed this morning and suddenly had the urge to write something. The words began to flow like a waterfall and the rapids, refusing to quit!
I can't be beaten by the trauma that these people inflicted upon me!!